Thursday, July 15, 2010


The Uglies Series is a creative view of the future by Scott Westerfeld. It's about Tally Youngblood's adventures as an ugly, a pretty, and finally a special. In the future, everybody anticipates their 16th birthday. Why? Because on that day, they get an operation to become "pretty". But Tally discovers something about the operation that could change the whole world. Will she get the horrific operation? Or will she stay an ugly for the rest of her life? This series is really awesome! I loved it so much. While I was reading it, nothing else mattered. It was so addicting. It sent so many different emotions through me. It was funny, sad, was everything!! Uglies: Pretties: Specials: Extras. 5 out of 5 stars!!


  1. I've read the first book, Pretties so far but my library hasn't gotten the others yet. I must admit, it was amazing! Have you read anything else by Scott Westerfield? He's great.

  2. Oooh, those are SO good... well actually I'm rereading them and they're not as good as I remember, but I remember they were SO GOOD!
