...so I finished "I Am Number Four" a couple days ago...THAT WAS BY FAR THE BESTEST BOOK EVARRR!! Oh my goodness soo it is just sooooo cool! 5 out of 5 stars from the beginning to the end!! Just true epicness! There are no parts at ALL in the book where you could decide to put the book down! Wowwww....sooo awesome. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!! I just don't even know how to explain it!! Defiantly the next "Hunger Games" and it is being made into a movie!! xD I watched the trailers and stuff and the movie looks really awesome!! I did my research and the book is being made into a series (thank god)!! The movie has great people casted in it! I don't know if you watch Glee but the female lead is played by the girl who plays "Quin" and it's just truely exciting!! There's also "Luke" from the movie "Percy Jackson: The Lightening Thief" and the male lead in the movie "Wild Child" So I really think you should read this book to be the first of your friends(; and just enjoy! Again 5 out of 5 stars; The Next Hunger Games; AWESOME BOOK! Ohkay so the title again is "I Am Number Four" and it is by Pittacus Lore! If you want to look at some things you can go to: www.iamnumberfourfans.com/
The websites pretty cool i actually read a section where the author asked a bunch of celebs if they believed in aliens. There was like Kesha and all that so check that out(:
This book is about "Four" who's an alien living on earth hiding from the Mogadorians. There is a special curse on each of the 9 child survivors that made it off their planet during a Mogadorian invasion. The curse protects them as long as the number before them is still alive. If they come together, the curse is broken. 1 was found in Malaysia. 2 was found in England. 3, found in Kenya. All killed. He's next. He knows it. They're looking for him right now. They have to keep moving. New idenitity, new school. Throw in the most amazing girl "John" (his fake name this time) has ever met in his lifetime, a bully whom John can snap like a twig if he could, and Sam who REALLY believes in aliens. The Mogadorians are hunting even more now. They know the 9 of them are getting older, developing their Legacies, powers they get beyond your imagination. Can Four take them?
Sooo obviously since I didn't tell you that much about the book I feel as though I should tell you what's on the back of the book....
We may be walking past you right now
We are watching you as you read this
We may be in your city, your town
We are living anonymously
We are waiting for the day when
We find each other
We will make our last stand together-if
We win
We are saved, and
You are saved as well
If we lose, all is lost...
sooo whatca think? Give you the goosebumps? Well what I think you should do is
1. READ IT!!
2. Google and watch the trailer for it because it is soooo good! I will upload the trailer eventually, but not until a couple days because I have SOOO many things to do this week. Anywayy...
Lovee youu!! (:
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