Soo you probably noticed the title. Yeahh I'm wishy washy today but I'm no gonna go off about my problem because this is a BOOK blog! Anyway(: Lets cut to the chase shall we? I just finished the book "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner. It was superrrr good!! Anyway I'm currently reading the 2nd book called "The Scorch Trials" actually I'm reading it right now(: which is why I'm not doing a review on the book...right now! Obviously it's a good book because I'm reading the 2nd book and I'm GA-LUED to it lemme tell ya! The book is good, but I just can't do a write up right now. My apologies!!(: Well I guess I should get back to reading(: I'll probably post a write up tomorroww since there's no school but no promises. Love you all!! MWAHH!! ;* ;* ;*
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Hot Topic Loves Hunger Games(:
So most of you probably know that they are doing the whole "Twilight" thing with the Hunger Games because the movie rave is coming up(: At Hot Topic they now have necklaces, and bookmarks, bracelets, and more shirts!! It's super cool but I'm kind of annoyed because of the people who think they own it after watching the movie and stuff. I mean really what about the smart people who knew about it before you? Grr sorry hyper anyway it's really cool! You should go check it outt! The bookmarks are awesome and well everything is! I want it all!! Just thought I'd share that with you(:
Heyhihello(: (modified) :D I finished "I Am Number Four" a couple days ago...THAT WAS BY FAR THE BESTEST BOOK EVARRR!! Oh my goodness soo it is just sooooo cool! 5 out of 5 stars from the beginning to the end!! Just true epicness! There are no parts at ALL in the book where you could decide to put the book down! Wowwww....sooo awesome. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!! I just don't even know how to explain it!! Defiantly the next "Hunger Games" and it is being made into a movie!! xD I watched the trailers and stuff and the movie looks really awesome!! I did my research and the book is being made into a series (thank god)!! The movie has great people casted in it! I don't know if you watch Glee but the female lead is played by the girl who plays "Quin" and it's just truely exciting!! There's also "Luke" from the movie "Percy Jackson: The Lightening Thief" and the male lead in the movie "Wild Child" So I really think you should read this book to be the first of your friends(; and just enjoy! Again 5 out of 5 stars; The Next Hunger Games; AWESOME BOOK! Ohkay so the title again is "I Am Number Four" and it is by Pittacus Lore! If you want to look at some things you can go to:
The websites pretty cool i actually read a section where the author asked a bunch of celebs if they believed in aliens. There was like Kesha and all that so check that out(:
This book is about "Four" who's an alien living on earth hiding from the Mogadorians. There is a special curse on each of the 9 child survivors that made it off their planet during a Mogadorian invasion. The curse protects them as long as the number before them is still alive. If they come together, the curse is broken. 1 was found in Malaysia. 2 was found in England. 3, found in Kenya. All killed. He's next. He knows it. They're looking for him right now. They have to keep moving. New idenitity, new school. Throw in the most amazing girl "John" (his fake name this time) has ever met in his lifetime, a bully whom John can snap like a twig if he could, and Sam who REALLY believes in aliens. The Mogadorians are hunting even more now. They know the 9 of them are getting older, developing their Legacies, powers they get beyond your imagination. Can Four take them?
Sooo obviously since I didn't tell you that much about the book I feel as though I should tell you what's on the back of the book....
We may be walking past you right now
We are watching you as you read this
We may be in your city, your town
We are living anonymously
We are waiting for the day when
We find each other
We will make our last stand together-if
We win
We are saved, and
You are saved as well
If we lose, all is lost...
sooo whatca think? Give you the goosebumps? Well what I think you should do is
1. READ IT!!
2. Google and watch the trailer for it because it is soooo good! I will upload the trailer eventually, but not until a couple days because I have SOOO many things to do this week. Anywayy...
Lovee youu!! (:
Saturday, September 18, 2010
•I Am Number Four/Mockingjay•
Ohkay so they recommend that after you read Mockingjay and want to read a really good book like it, you should read "I Am Number Four" and IT IS THE BEST!!!! I am currently reading it and it is sooo good!! They are filming the movie with the British hot dude from "Wild Child" and Quin from "Glee"!! I am super siked sooo you should seriously read it!! It is the best!! It's hard to explain, you just have to check it out!! It is DA BOMB!! I can't put it down and I'm not the far into the book and it already has 5 stars!! So seriously! Read it!!!!!! PLEASE NOTE: I will do an offical review when I finish the book! Ohkay so obviously that means I finished Mockingjay!! Omgee that was such a great book!!!! Such a great wrap up to everything, every well planned out. Sooo many people killed off that was really sad and it was really just...good! 5 out of 5 stars, Suzanne Collins did an awesome job!! I highly recommend it (duh!) soooo keep readin and explorin andd..stuff(:
Books Mentioned:
By: Suzanne Collins
I Am Number Four
By: Pittacus Lore
Books Mentioned:
By: Suzanne Collins
I Am Number Four
By: Pittacus Lore
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
OMGEE SO THE MOMENT MOST OF US HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR IS HERE!!!!!! OMGEE!! MOCKINGJAY CAME OUT TODAY!! My mom saw it at Target for $10 but we preordered ours so I have to wait! But I promise you I will definatly post my review about it!! AHH I AM SO EXCITED! Wow I was supposed to be sleeping an hour ago! Not sneaking the Internet on my iPod! Can you say rebel? Haha sorry this craziness is for my other blog(: not this one. Just a bit hyper. Slightly(: Well I'm gonna go! Love you guys and READ THAT DANG BOOK LIKE THERES NO TOMORROW!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Ohkay so when I post something on here I can always count on one person to read it. So I just really wanted to give her a shout out. She's really cool andd she loves Hunger Games as well!! Please check her out here she is definatly worth reading. So uh, yeah have fun and thank you so much Migillicutty!! You are awesome!! Erm I think I gave you a shout out on Blair, Paige, Yalonda too titled "Blog Huntin" Thank you everyone else for reading too!! We both appreciate!!
-<5Paige (:
-<5Paige (:
HT Hunger Games Tees!!!!!
Here are some Hunger Games tees!! My Hot Topic only has 3 but online there are lots!!

To see the back of this one, click here: clickyy!!

These are the ones that are at my Hot Topic that I really really want!! I loveee Hunger Games!! Here's a few more that's on the Hot Topic webbie:

Wow I really hope you enjoy. This took me an hour to do because my iPod kept crashing plus hunting down pics. Lol
To see the back of this one, click here: clickyy!!
These are the ones that are at my Hot Topic that I really really want!! I loveee Hunger Games!! Here's a few more that's on the Hot Topic webbie:
Wow I really hope you enjoy. This took me an hour to do because my iPod kept crashing plus hunting down pics. Lol
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
You probably already know...
but there are Hunger Games shirts at Hot Topic! It's old news but I just remembered about this blog..sorry. Anyway I've been wanting them since like June, Julyish? Yeah. I asked for all three of them for my birthday. I totally want the one that says "Down with the Capitol" but it's like white font and it's like paint dripping...o.O...anyway I am superexcited!! I totally love love lovee them! I always ask for them when I go in Hot Topic. EXCITMENT!!
P.S. I put the 5 there on purpose. If you get why I did, I love you. If you don't...oh well (:
P.S. I put the 5 there on purpose. If you get why I did, I love you. If you don't...oh well (:
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Yay!! I finally got my book back!! I am now really determined to finish it now!!!(I don't have much of a choice (:!!) haha well just letting you know. And THANK YOU YALONDA for getting my book back!!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I am sooooo sorry!!
I am sooo sorry guys!! I have been doing my summer reading AND reading Princess Ben and they are both THICK!! I am reading the book called Changeling. I...don'!! Okay here's the scoop: I went to the book store with my mom and I picked out every other one BUT Changeling! But my thought it was "intresting" so she made me read it!! Andd to make matters worse!, she doesn't wanna pay 9 dollars with MY $20 gift card!! Ugh I'm sooo mad. Anyway I forgot my book at my uncle's house and Yalonda's mom picked it up for me before my uncle left for Orlando andd yeah. She still has it so I haven't been reading which is really bad because MY GRADE IS ON THE LINE!! Well that's all for now! Just wanted to keep you posted!!
Friday, July 16, 2010
New background!!
I don't know if any of you noticed, but we got a new background! (One that doesn't give you a headache!!) So yeah, I like it much better, and it has mine and Yalonda's names on it! (excuse my grammer) Um, I am going to fix it so that, the screen isn't like, blank at the bottom, but for now, we are both working hard to bring you reviews and new books to try out, so thank you so much for visiting! And I have a dare for ya! Press Ctrl-D!! And for those MLIA-ers, Qk Ninja!! (it looks like a ninja sideways)
Keep reading!!
The Great Wide Sea
I loved this book! It made me cry! This is about 3 brothers who go sailing with their father for a year around the Bahamas. One morning, when they wake up, they find their father missing. To make matters worse, they are headed towards a storm. When they crash? Well in Ben's words, "I will never talk about-when I left Gerry alone, standing there on the empty beach of that desert island with Dylan dying at his feet." (No copyright intended) I really loved this book and I know you will too. Yes, this is a summer reading book, so I recommend you read it. The only downfall is that the beginning is kinda slow, and there are a lot of boat terms I didn't know.
4 out of 5 stars

This is the sequel to Found. It was very clever and I just loved it. Action, invisibility, romance, time travel, futuristic gadgets? Awesome mix, just awesome mix...Jonah, Katherine, Chip, and Alex are on this adventure together, but can they survive? Literally? Chip and Alex find out that they are related, and back in the past, they are brothers, royalty, but, their uncle is out to get them. He wants the crown to himself, so he wants them dead. But, all Chip and Alex can do is watch themselves, so when they go into their bodies, what can Jonah and Katherine do? This is a very good book I REALLY recommend it!
5 out of 5 stars
A Wrinkle In Time
I REALLY LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS BOOK! It is an old, cute, book, and yes it looks strange, but it is just, so thought out! It's like a whole other world (literly.) Meg thinks she's ugly, a dork, a nerd, and people think her family is strange since her father disappeared working on a secret science experiment, and that sometimes, her little brother, Charles Wallace, can read her mind, but when an adventure to another planet where "It" is taking control of people and making them all the same, where humans/horses fly, where the 4th dimension exists, and where glasses can help you see the invisible, Meg, Charles Wallace, and their newly found friend, Calvin, see that they are stronger than they thought, because they have something that "It" doesn't.
5 out of 5
This was a very...awesome book haha. This book is about the gods and goddesses. What happens when a god falls for a mortal? Well he saves her life. When Kenzi is sentenced for a sacrifice, he gives her eternal life so that she will live happily with him. This book is very well planned out and I really enjoyed it. I highly recommend it!
Back of the book:
He is watching me.
He is flawless, without a blemish. Majestic...muscular.
Several other wedding guests are taking food, but they don't seem to notice him. What if he is my guardian, sent to watch over me in my last days?
I doubt this, but I risk smiling at him.
He drops a plate.
It plummets. But then, in the instant before it strikes the baked mud street, it hovers in the air and comes down softly, unbroken.
No copyright intended, all rights to Gail Carson Levine, also the author of Ella Enchanted.
5 out of 5
Thursday, July 15, 2010
This is a very inspiring book by Gordon Korman. It's about a thirteen-year- old boy named Capricorn Anderson. He's basically been isolated from the outside world. He lives in a hippie commune with Rain, his guardian. They live an easy, simple life. He's never been to school or watched t.v. or done any of the regular things that people do. One day, Rain is injured and has to stay in the hospital, which means that Capricorn has to temporarily live with the guidance counselor of his new school. Find out how he deals with going to school for the first time in his whole life and how his weird habits make an impact on the students. I loved this book sooooo much!! It was written in a way that made me want to be a better person after I was finished reading it ( but that faded lol). This is a great read!! 5 out of 5 stars.
The Mortal Instruments Series

This series is really exciting with surprises in every chapter. It's written by Cassandra Clare. City of Bones is about a fifteen-year-old girl named Clary who suddenly finds herself in a world where creatures that she never dreamed of are real. She also learns that she was born to slay demons and keep them from overrunning the Earth! And somewhere mixed with all the adventures and action, is romance. These are very good books, but I think that Cassandra Clare could have added in some things a little bit earlier in the series. Aside from that small flaw, I enjoyed reading this. City of Bones: City of Ashes: City of Glass. 4 out of 5 stars.
This book is inspiring and cool. It is about a twelve-year-old girl named Scarlett. But she's not your ordinary London citizen. Her dyed red hair, black fingernails, and tongue piercing tell you that she's rebellious. And she is. Her parents have been divorced for years and she's been living with her mom. Find out what happens when she is sent to live with her dad after being kicked out of several private schools. This story is really touching and I loved it. It tells the story of a misunderstood girl and how she expresses herself in a unique way. It makes you wanna go out and do something crazy and cool. Cathy Cassidy has really outdone herself with this. 5 out of 5 stars. ♥
The Uglies Series is a creative view of the future by Scott Westerfeld. It's about Tally Youngblood's adventures as an ugly, a pretty, and finally a special. In the future, everybody anticipates their 16th birthday. Why? Because on that day, they get an operation to become "pretty". But Tally discovers something about the operation that could change the whole world. Will she get the horrific operation? Or will she stay an ugly for the rest of her life? This series is really awesome! I loved it so much. While I was reading it, nothing else mattered. It was so addicting. It sent so many different emotions through me. It was funny, sad, was everything!! Uglies: Pretties: Specials: Extras. 5 out of 5 stars!!
The Dork Diaries Book Trailer Unofficial...I think...:)
No copyright intended!
But nowhere in this says anything about cutie Brandon!!
The Dork Diaries

I really enjoyed this series. It was fun, funny, and relatable. It is like the girl version of Diary Of A Wimpy Kid. I found myself glued to it more than Diary Of A Wimpy Kid! It is about a girl who is a just plain dork who has a crush on the cutest guy in school, avoids the meanest girl in school who unfortunatly has the locker right next to hers who on top is the most popular, and likes Branden also! Throw in some more problems plus her 2 awesome friends and whaddya get? The Dork Diaries!! You'll enjoy her humor of her diary, and her little pictures which adds on. Will Nikki ever survial middle school? Great new series by Racheal Renee Russel!
5 out of 5 stars
Harry Potter
The Harry Potter Series is AMAZING!!! It's written by J. K. Rowling, a british author who never had anything published before this. Follow Harry through his seven years at Hogwarts as he tries to defeat Voldemort with the help of his friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. If you like the movies, you'll LOVE the books. Harry Potter is adventurous and funny. Romantic, and full of action. I was not able to put this down. It was addictive and clever until the very end. LUVIT!! ♥ 5 out of 5 Stars
Only The Good Spy Young Offical Book Trailer
No copyright intended!
P.S Abso-freaking-loutly love this song!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Only The Good Spy Young
5 out of 5 stars
~Hunger Games Series~
I absolutely loved this series! Suzanne Collins is a genius. This series is the perfect mix of action and romance. It always takes unexpected turns and it never disappoints. I highly recommend this book. So do the authors "Ally Carter" and "Stephanie Meyer." These books kept me glued to it until the end. I am currently waiting for the third book, Mocking Jay coming out this August. This series is about a girl, Katniss who finds herself in the middle of the "games." The games take place in a special arena controlled by the game makers. Only 1 survives, and all of their movements are caught on camera. What will she do when her closest friends are stuck in the arena with her? Read to find out!!
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 stars,
Catching Fire,
Hunger Games,
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